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the author

December 1976, Scott Wilkerson, graduated from Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. He received a degree in Journalism with an area of concentration in Advertising and Public Relations.

While attending school, Scott volunteered for the school newspaper called, “The University Star.” In the 70’s few took interest in covering Women’s sports, yet Scott undoubtedly said, “Yes!” He gladly accepted the role, writing assignments on women's athletics, diving, volleyball, swimming, basketball, and softball.

Scott continued to pursue sports writing after college. He noticed quickly there was little money to no pay supporting the business. He turned towards Advertising and Public Relations. Sales are his forte!

During the 80’s, living in Texas, Petroleum was king! Scott worked years in Texas as a salesman for pipe and steel businesses. He sold downhole casing to the oil industry. The business was quite volatile. It still is! When Scott could not find pipe to sell. He became a cars salesman. He was good at moving cars!  

September 18, 1988. Scott married, inherited a son, and had a daughter of his own. Little Scot is married to her best friend since the eighth grade.

2020, divorced and retired, Scott moved to a small beach town called, “Puerto Moreles.” On a map, it is South of Cancun. Scott’s initial plan was to stay for a month rather he now resides in Mexico full time and had returned to his first art, writing…


A retired Southwest Texan living a Bohemian lifestyle, Scott Wilkerson, has single-handedly proven the unrelenting Adventurous American Spirit is alive and well living in Mexico.

“One shade darker than tan.”

— Cashmere Ernest, Ghost Writer

“All names have been changed to protect the guilty.” 

— AA, an Anonymous

“Aptly named the “Jack Nicholson of the Mayan Riviera” and the “Frank Sinatra of the Sand” Scott’s stories of hijinks and hilarity in paradise will keep you asking for another tequila. And another… and another...”

— Ace, California Farmer 


— Jimmy, Businessman & Dove Farmer

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